Aug 20 2020

Opinions: August 20, 2020

Amy Palmer

RE: What did I think of Michelle Obama’s Speech you asked

Dear Amy,

Beautiful elegant woman. Well delivered speech. Trouble is it’s misleading. It suggests white cops murdering poor blacks daily, many time a day. She portrayed racism toward blacks as if slave days, Jim Crowe, pre 1964. That’s wrong. Why not point out large middle class black community in Atlanta and Houston etc? “Look at me”. I’m a lawyer. My husband was your President, This would not have happened in 1964. It’s all sad and negative and justifies burning, looting in cities where Mayor, Police Chief, City Council, Judges, are all black like Chicago. So you can see systemic racism has kept Blacks out of politics in Chicago. My point is stop with “victimhood”. Look to today and future. Focus on educations for free enterprise, trades. Father on site with kids.  No bragging about baby moms. Sorry if it offends someone. Not Tom Sowell, Shelby Steele.


Aug 12 2020

Opinions: August 12, 2020

I am for ‘truly liberal universities” with rigorous debate from all, not one position that’s so called Wok.  Someone’s idea of political correctness is  antithetical to liberal. What is safe space? What speech is impermissible? Who decides?

I am for preserving and explaining history as Auschwitz does, as Slave Quarters in South Africa do. How else do future generations learn?

Peter Dwares

Aug 7 2020

Opinions: August 7, 2020


Supervisor Aaron Peskin

I came back for a few days. This is Coit Tower Circle. This is where a stately Italian Columbus financed by Spain probably dark skinned Italian of Moorish African descent stood. Thanks to “progressive” erase history mentality, he has been replaced by a homeless on drugs asleep in midday in an unsafe space and could be run over. I’ve never seen this up here at the Circle. The City is not what it was. It’s regressing in many ways quickly. Lots of us will leave for good. Sad.