Feb 3 2020
Opinions: February 3rd, 2020
President Trump has championed a strong economy and low unemployment. The stock market is very good.
The military is stronger. He’s put pressure on China, Iran and North Korea. Others kicked the can down the road. He has guts.
I opine any President has the duty to look into possible bribery of a U.S. Vice President. He also oversees Justice Department under the Constitution.
The fact that Biden is running for President should not negate this. But basis for impeachment is not about criminality though I believe it should reflect a high crime or misdemeanor. It’s about we don’t like you, and we have majority.
Democrats are hell bent on impeaching Trump. The first reason studied by Muller team of Democratic lawyers resulted in nothing there. So Plan B arises.
Since most Democrats can’t stand Trump, they should just try to vote him out. It’s a democracy. Continuing to look for reasons to impeach is a terrible precedent. It will be used in the future more and more by both parties if this goes on.
Voters knew what Trump is when they voted him in. Let’s see if they do it again.
Peter Dwares