Nov 22 2019

Opinions: November 22, 2019

The way I see it.

Joe Biden as Vice President of the United States holding $1 billion of aid may have been bribed by the Ukranian gas company’s oligarch owner through Hunter. That owner wanted the prosecutor going after him off his back. Maybe he even wanted part of $1 billion Biden controlled. Or maybe not. Maybe he liked Hunter. Joe’s a nice guy. He’s gotten very rich in office and so has his family.

The issue is, is it within the President’s rights to look into it using Interpol, Ukranian Police or Dick Tracy.  In fact it’s his duty directly or indirectly. Even if ham handed.

The President oversees the Justice Department. He can and should under the Constitution in order to protect United States tax payers from getting ripped off.

If Trump used Justice to ask Zelinsky, would it change Democrats minds?

If Biden were not now running for President, would it change Democrats minds? Look Democrats have tried to trash Trump from the beginning using Brits and who knows who else in other countries.

If Whitey Bulger while alive said he’s running for President, does that give him immunity from foreign investigation?

Anyway, I wouldn’t take impeachment to be less than killing, rape, stealing, spying, treason, bribery or the like. No crime is alleged, not even bribery. Impeachment will now be used for a number of issues and take taxpayer money away from working on issues like healthcare, infrastructure, economy, etc.

What is the reason for the terms “high crimes and misdemeanor”  if framers meant non material  inappropriate acts if meant to be purely political, something like Biden did with $1 billion when he was Vice President; was that impeachable?  The framers were concerned with England, France, Spain controlling us.


Peter Dwares