Opinions: August 28, 2018
John McCain’s life was a lesson for all of us. His ability to work with opponents, compromise, stand up for what he believed right, but also and very important, and what’s missing today, a decency to others. I sent his campaign a lot of money for me at the time. I admired his work with Russ Feingold on finance reform, Lieberman on strong foreign policy remembering WWII, Kennedy on immigration. He could be very harsh in private, clenched teeth smile in public. Trump just the opposite. But McCain’s values were my values. His perfect imperfection.
Rest in Peace.
Peter Dwares
Opinions: August 28, 2018
Peter Winslow
For the Honor of Truth
I tell the truth. I expect it in others. I’m with President Jimmy Carter on Trump. I want him to do great for our nation. I don’t want an impeachment. It will cut the country in half.
I wish the Democrats had a leader I could embrace, a McCain, a Lindsay Graham, Joe Lieberman, and a platform that understood the value of business, strong economy and strong foreign policy not just minority rights and women rights, higher taxes, more transfers which lull people out of job market, and quasi-open immigration on southern borders unlike New York and San Francisco.
I know I can’t change your mind arguing substance. Trump personality “trumps” to you.
Love you,
Opinions: August 27, 2018
RE: Trumps War on the Justice System Threatens to erode Trust in law.
I don’t like Trump’s verbal attacks i.e. “fake news, Attorney General Sessions is weak i.e. not loyal”. But for the FBI’s lead investigators who should be non political to conspire against him and his Presidency in emails and frankly by the Bill Clinton/Attorney General Lynch meeting in the airplane, possibly to get her to agree to not prosecute Hillary, or Hillary’s destruction of emails, that’s wrong. As a former practicing lawyer, I am fearful of the search and seizure of a lawyer’s office. It’s destructive to relationships of attorney and client.
Trashing Judge Kavanaugh alleged as a 17 year old boy maybe wrestling around covering her mouth for _ seconds, with a 15 year old girl, given a perfect 35 year old record since, is repugnant and is done to fire up every women who has an issue with a man who is not Judge Kavanaugh.
Peter Dwares
Opinions: August 23, 2018
Like many of you, I’ve followed Donald Trump since the early 70’s. I’ve admired what he accomplished, the Trump Tower, building the skating rink, Plaza Casino’s dinner with Sinatra then pissing him off, and couldn’t stand the glitter, screwing lenders including small bond holders who he charmed and sub contractors and his ability to charm and dump. He truly was a mixed bag to the extremes who wound up at 70 bigger and more controversial than ever. His criticisms of Senator McCain, acerbic insults, pettiness left me cold. I supporter Kasich and earlier on Bush, Rubio, almost any other. Republic candidate with my fingers squeezing my nose I voted Hillary as the devil I knew. I feared Trump as having a remote chance of being a dictator.
Now I must say he’s done a terrific job. The economy is blazing. Poor kids in inner cities even have more jobs than ever.
He’s building the military. He’s speaking to dictators who weapons of mass destruction. He’s putting sanction and military pressure on North Korea, Iran, Russia and in a way China. Keeping General Kelly bring in Niki Haley at U.N (present in the 20’s), General Mattis, widely respected CIA leader, Homeland Defense Secretary, Secretary Azur putting pressure on prescription drug companies, even Zinke who I thought I would not like talking sensibly about removing dead trees and better forest management (environmentalists saving trees doesn’t help if they all burn), these substantive matters I agree with. (On EPA emission standards rollbacks I don’t). His apply trade pressure on Chinese and others who find ways to protect their industries at expense of ours I applaud, especially those here making essential metals and vehicles.
His seeing enforcement of the southern border by wall or otherwise is no different than New York or San Francisco requiring passports and visa, from flyers or boaters, most of them white or Asian. As for refugees from Central American we could reduce the 1.1 million legals we take by carving out 100,000 of well vetted political refugees.
On the Press, the paper and cell networks always write or broadcast in favor of their point of view. It’s nothing new. There are more sources than ever. Some of it is misleading. Some of it is written by unduly biased reporters. Opinions and news are different Trump played publishers his entire career. He hates criticism. He’s not the first. He’s the most outspoken.
I’ve seen no signs of his trying to our being capable of shutting a paper or TV broadcaster. Sidestepping the Court System. Unduly using executive orders.
My objective is that America continues to prosper, stay Number 1 for those who work at it.
On progressive politics in San Francisco. What is this term or the result of those politics. Is it “vagrants” (no longer permissible word) laying down town in street, or disrupting traffic, is it needles or over 9th and Mission and thirty users where pedestrians walk on Mission and 9th.
Is it forty naked men whose butts are hanging over bicycle seats and children asking about it, is it college campuses keeping out speakers who they think they should not hear (could change their minds after all)? Is it race haters who will not say it’s wrong for a man white, black or Asian to have children they will not raise because it’s; a sign of virility? Is it progressive to say good family structure produces kids who will go on to succeed in life? Is it progressive to think that business is a bad thing, all rich people are taking advantage of someone?
Clearly the meaning of liberal open to discourage and debate seems to be under attack.
Having just been in Colombia cities where Venezuelan refugees are begging and taking lower level jobs, I see that progressive Chavez Maduro led dictatorship so destructive to a beautiful once wealthy for all country.
Opinions: August 20, 2018
Healthcare delivery is hugely expensive and a lightning rod of division. Yet much of healthcare is delivered by government Medicare, Medicaid, VA.
I might support German, Israeli, Canadian type health systems. Not VA type. Deductions from age 18. Government pays for pills, hospitals, doctors who bid. But I’d also have more hospital competition. Stop local mergers. Bring in out of 1.1 million legal immigrants, 50,000 qualified foreign doctors and nurses who work in remote areas for citizenship. Must preserve competition innovation. Our healthcare system is now the best in the world for most people. I would not change it without proper funding and a lot of due diligence.
Opinions: August 20, 2018
This is so sad. I must say Bogota and Medellin streets are cleaner than San Francisco. No vagrants sleeping on sidewalks, no needles as are on 9th and Mission with 30 users gathered. No naked butts on bikes. This can’t be so called “progressive”.
Opinions: August 15, 2018
During my recent trip to South America, I read the Barbary Coast, A Tale of 1849-1916 San Francisco, Pacific, Jackson, Kearney, Chinatown, Waverly Place and numerous alleys of debauchery, female slavery, characters like Oofty Goofty, Madams like Ruth, owners like Abe Warner. Battle between good and evil. The question is which side was good? It was written in the 1930’s by Herbert Ashbury. It’s a great read for all who love San Francisco history.
Peter Dwares