Opinions: June 20, 2018
Gaza residents are repressed, but by Palestinian Authority that holds back funding I am told.
When Jordan controlled the Old City of Jerusalem, they didn’t repress Jews. They threw them out from Wailing Wall etc. That was from 1948-1967. Jews had been there 3,000 years. They had rights. They threw no Arabs out in 1967. In fact educated them and brought them into work force.
Outside 1948 Israel, in West Bank which was never a country Israel oversees for security reasons and its true but towns next to Arab towns? Border crossing may be inconvenient and lots of that have to do with Palestinian authority but nothing like Yemen, Syria, Libya etc.
By the way, Israelis are not allowed into most of the 22 Muslim countries, also inconvenient. And 700,000 Jews were tossed out of Egypt, Morocco, Syria, etc. in 1948 when the same number of Arabs moved next door from Israel to Jordan.
Opinions: June 19, 2018
Those seeking “Refugee Status”.
Separating kids is awful. It’s currently 2,000 plus kids but ongoing.
Most kids are not separated, but are 10-13 years old and unaccompanied. Most of them get to stay, other than 3.5% returned. Obviously Trump’s policy is an attempt to dissuade people from coming here to seek refugee status. As bad as Central America gangs are, war torn Syria was even worst. Add South Sudan. Libya and 50 other conflicts.
A senator called it “Nazi like” but that demeans Jews who died in gas chambers.
Can we take in every Syrian, South Sudanese, Libyan along with El Salvadorians because they are poor or husband best them or gang does?
If you believe in open southern border (Like EU), this is all bad policy.
I believe we need a secure border and respect the 1.1 million legals that go through the process and the people at lower levels not working because of cheaper labor. And I would give out work visas to meet the agrarian and tech and seasonal needs. And I’d make a deal for merit based legal immigration, a wall or other secure barrier, ten year legalization of DACA youth and acceptance of those who arrived prior to 2017.
We are a generous country. Most take in far less and some none. See Japan.
I’d also explore expanding NAFTA to 12 million in Central America. It reduced Mexican emigration by creating jobs there.
Peter Dwares, Esq.
Opinions: June 14, 2018
I think Kim sees Donald Trump as a father figure, a kindred spirit. Trump has ability and propensity to charm people. Unfortunately also to dump them when his ego is not stoked. I’ve always had mixed feelings about him from his early days in New York.
Bluster, guts, taste in certain showy way he has. Judgment mesa mesa. I’m impressed with his energy. Getting tax through and cheerleader for our economy has definitely been a plus.
Diffusing for now North Korea bombing San Francisco etc., big plus. Long term debt not good. Upsetting German’s, Japanese, Canadians, Mexicans, not so good. Running out moderates like Flake, Ryan, Corker, Gowdy, I don’t like.
As to the Democrats nationally, I find nothing in policy, and no one I am drawn to as future President.
Peter Dwares