May 17 2018

Opinons: May 17, 2018

Cox and the other Republican Travis are strange people in my opinion. Just saw them once. I voted for Gavin for friendship, but would have Chiang.

I voted for Elani who I met at Marcus’ house and liked her.

For Mayor I gave money to Leno, but he leaves me cold so I voted for London Breed who I also gave money to.

The issues to me are 1) stop talking about affordable housing and making people think it can be done in significant numbers. Tell them to go to for example Detroit where homes are affordable and the economy needs skilled people and great restaurants.

“Affordable” for a guy laying in street is a halfway house. For a person earning $50,000 to $75,000 is four to a room as first generation Asians have done. The City is built out or soon will be.

Get all needles off street. Have shoot up centers. For the needle users treat them, but not on 8th and Mission on the street.

Let’s do what we can do. Regulate 1) Trucks deliveries  between 2 a.m.-6 a.m. 2) Pave street with nice asphalt. 3) Coordinate tearing them up not every two years. 4) Work with truly affordable cities that need workers.

Peter Dwares

May 14 2018

Opinions: May 14, 2018

Say what you will. World leaders including Norway admire and are charmed by Trump and admire his toughness. On Obama not so much.

He’s now reducing costs of pharmacy drugs. When talking about that forever.

On enforcing legal not illegal immigration the same.

On NAFTA that cut down immigration by creating jobs in Mexico, time to modify.

Same with China, we helped them get into modern ear making peace with them likely, through prosperity, now time to modify.

On iron, squeeze Mullahs who the Iranians don’t like. On Jerusalem every President promised to recognize the capital, none did but Trump did.

May 11 2018

Mossad to Khamanei and Iran: ’Kilroy was here’

RE: Mossad to Khamanei and Iran: ’Kilroy was here’

From Roger Aronoff.

For me, this article articulates why I personally have gotten to like Trump’s effective Presidency, vs his charming predecessor’s wishy washy Presidency which helped cause 500,000 deaths in Syria and Libya, migration to Europe resulting in Brexit and Eastern European Autocrats.

Peter Dwares

May 7 2018

Opinons: May 7, 2018

In May, Sonia and I were honored to have a home full of some of the brightest people I have ever met. They were here for my dear friend Rabbi Langer’s party either living here or visiting from Uzbekistan, Moldova, Israel, Russia, Yemen, Morocco, Iraq. The fire power lit up the room and roof as much as their bonfire on the roof did on a brisk San Francisco night. The brain power and interesting, fascinating careers overwhelmed me. I’ve had parties of Senators, Mayors, Congressman, Wharton and Prep school students, but I’ve never enjoyed one more than this.

High wattage brain power mixed with positivism and beauty and people who work. I loved it.


May 3 2018

Opinions: May 3, 2018

Thinking People,

Victor Orbon moving to dictatorship in Hungary, Duda’s new Holocaust laws in Poland, Brexit (over ½ Brits afraid of terrorism) and further Muslim population ____ what is perceived AS British,  are directly related to Syria’s horrible war waged by a terrible man (who ironically Syrian Christians support), and Obama’s following France who for some reason took out Ghadaffi, after he gave up nukes and after Obama and been so cirtical of Bush trying to democratize Iraq taking out Saddam opening up tribal lawlessness.

What do you think? How would you rate Obama, Hillary, and John Kerry’s Foreign Policy?


May 3 2018

Opinions: May 3, 2018

Think about it.

If Hillary Clinton had not destroyed emails including top secret, “arguably” obstruction of justice which should have led to a charge against her, Trump would not be accused of colluding with Russians to release them (by the way they showed how she colluded was Debbie Wasserman Shultz to hurt Senator Sanders). Hillary not cool, but we knew that.

Robert Muller turning lawyer Cohen to Federal Prosecutor to find “Cohen crimes” which may lead to Cohen’s speaking about payoffs to hookers, is not something Muller should have done. Cohen was not involved with Russia and hookers. If her were, Putin got Trump to do what in return to trying to help his election. If anything Trump has banned his buddies.

Clients will no longer be able to trust their lawyers, a basic reliance in our system. I hope that this expedition will be limited to Cohen crimes and I hope there was probable cause to go after him.

$130,000 campaign contribution is a stretch, but what’s it got to do with Russia?

Putin or his having someone speak to someone in Russia to use Facebook to mislead voters (or whatever our intelligence agencies allege) came from Putin maybe he likes Trump.

I think Muller should be given three or six more months to find these facts. Trump is President. Like him or not, he’s got a tough job with North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, Libya, European autocracies and illegal immigration, not to mention the economy.

Peter Dwares

May 1 2018

Opinons on James Comey

I practiced a lot of business and securities law, and have in business buying, remodeling and holding shopping centers. No one in James Comey’s position is that forgetful. He looks like a liar. I admired Comey. I think now he’s a liar. I know he was negligent in not recommending grand jury for Hillary in July, after de facto indicting her. He picked political considerations over legal.

I also watched Comey answering questions on source of probable cause that Fisa Court found to to spy on foreign citizen in hope to nab Trump. He answered he didn’t know Clinton paid for it? That is impossible for a guy in his position. He knows what was used to get warrant. As a lawyer, I am disappointed in a guy I admired.

Peter Dwares