Voting on Budget should be that.
Voting on Budget should be that. The House and State should pass it unless it has too many odious entries or leaves out significant expenditures. You can argue the latter is DACA. I believe and it is now the case that DACA should be taken up with legal immigration (how many and who), security not only at border but on visa work and travel entrants, i.e. tracking ability. I’d add fines etc. for employer hiring if the objective is work permits to non citizens. My own opinion is 1 million legal 50% math masters, physics or above from US ____ i.e. 500,000 then 500,000 proximate family of citizens.
Peter Dwares
Forget you don’t like or can’t stand Trump’s manner.
Forget you don’t like or can’t stand Trump’s manner.
If you cut to the substance of Russian investigation and find that Donald Trump conspired with Russian Government, it was to release Hillary’s emails (that she willfully destroyed) showing conspiracy between Hillary and DNC to hurt Bernie Sanders chances of election. It was not fabricated material.
By leaving of this, Bernie’s Democratic supporters would not have liked that. They then might vote against Hillary, the argument goes, and Trump wing.
I say so what. It’s the truth. It’s Hillary, Debbie Wasserman and Podesta’s words. Hillary didn’t disclose, she destroyed. Trump didn’t have them. Sunlight is the best of disinfectants. Why am I wrong?
Now Donald Trump agreed to drop sanctions in return for Russian publishing, it’s a different issue although not without precedent. Reagan dealing with Iranians for release of hostages before being sworn in.