Opinions: January 25, 2018
I like much of what Trump has done. The robust employing economy but fear long term debt. The military. Syria. North Korea (he got them to talk). China.
I don’t like the following:
- Using DACA people as bargaining chips for wall and reducing family migration and lottery.
- I’m surrounded by Hispanics some illegal and can’t see rounding them up. Many had an implied contract in my view. Securing Southern border with part wall, I agree. Sell Mexican investors thirty year U.S. government backed bonds so he can argue he got them to pay.
- Many illegals are overstayed visas, most from Asia. Stop it by using smart bracelets.
- Retrain coal workers in solar, fracking. Don’t prolong buggy whips. It’s not clean. It’s dirty. I’m against offshore drilling on Pacific Coast and opening up public lands to miners who leave arsenic running the land and later go bankrupt. Save offshore for a rainy day.
Peter Dwares
Israel Fake News and Necessity of Free Diverse Press
I like the Press. I want to make my own decisions after I read and evaluate Journal, NY Times and SF Chronicle daily. Where I get very angry is absolute lies like accusing Israel of genocide of Palestinian Arabs.
In 1914, there were 500,000 Arabs in the non-air-conditioned, no decolonization area of what is Israel. West Bank, Jordan, this was an Ottoman census. There are now 7 million (not including Gaza) Arabs in Israel West Bank and Jordan refugees. How can that be if they were genocided. This is what boycotters and other left wing haters or critics of Israel will not tell you. Nor will they tell you of 700,000 Jews who had to leave Arab countries in 1948 after being there hundreds of years, sometimes 20,000. They won’t tell you that many Palestinian Arabs came from Yemen, and other countries in the 50’s and 60’s for better lives as have Jewish people.
Genocide is a terrible accusation. Boycotters care not of Syrians 400,000 dead, Yemenites 10,000 dead, Kurdish people 25 million with no country.
Peter Dwares
On Immigration, “shithole countries”, Trump and our policy.
We take in 1 million immigrants a year. Usually it’s not from the rich countries except in the case of China (“brown and yellow people” by the way) and Venezuela and the like where people want to get in the United States. It’s from underdeveloped or as Trump put it in-artfully and as did Ashley Judd sympathizing with deportees in a film, “can’t return them to a garbage dump” of a country.
I find Trump on old school pragmatist, not an idealist not what’s called progressive. He’s a knock you down, deal from strength guy modeled after Roy Cohen. He’s done a hell of a job finding low priced mismanaged assets and turning them around using the same skills. But I don’t see him as a racist because he wants PhD’s in math, so does Tom Friedman. Or because he wants legal immigrants.
On illegal immigrants, most are poor and come from Mexico and Central America across the border, China and Philippines (overstayed visa). This is illegal. 12 million of these people live here out of 350 million. 1 million are kids who came as youngsters. They are generally not white skinned. The Chinese kids often within a generation are getting into Berkeley etc. Engineers. The Mexican kids are working hard in agriculture now, construction and their own small business.
Cutting to the chase, the issue is of the 1 million legal, should we take 50% who graduate US colleges with PhD’s in Math or Physics etc. and 50% who are poor from countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti or Liberia, Bosnia, Ukraine or Venezuela by virtue of relatives that are US citizens. These countries are underdeveloped, often politically unstable compared to our country. Trump is unfiltered. We don’t like Presidents to be that way, but cut to substance.
Of course, people don’t need to leave Norway and France or Britain nearly as much.
Dick Durbin in the meeting of six knew what Trump meant. Some countries are tribal like Congo or former Yugoslavia. Some will bring us Islamic terrorists, a fact of life, along with mostly law abiding Muslims who even as such some will maintain a different treatment of women and prejudice against our ally Israel.
These are real issues.
Universities also have limited enrollments. Do they take the best students even if from one or two cultures, or take diversity using other indicia. Certainly they don’t take students who have no education.
I must say I have a Guatemalan family working for me. The woman (38) never had an education beyond 6th grade. She cleans. She has three children. The oldest is 18. She works with her Mom while she is attending university. Hard worker. She may wind up a Doctor. This is the land of opportunity.
Of course, we don’t want gangs, or people who go to jail or homeless. We do want to fill needs of agriculture or construction or domestic or high tech. Sadly, some bad results of well intended social programs have taken incentive of too many of our home grown kids to learn to like to work full days. So we do need to import willing hard workers.
Bottom line is, secure the border over 10 years, legalize over 10 years 12 million illegals in that they came to fill jobs, de facto promise or estoppel in the law, starting with 1 million who came young. Articulate 50% of the 1 million to be advanced degrees most often from US colleges in Math, Physics, etc. 50% “close” relatives of existing 50% immigrants citizens.
Peter Dwares
Catherine Deneuve’s position on “Me Too” Movement. My Opinion.
RE: Catherine Deneuve’s position on “Me Too” Movement. My Opinion.
Society needs to differentiate between rape, and men (or women) being pushy jerks, or obnoxious, or masturbating on the phone, or any of the levels between. This situation has become akin to the French Revolution, it’s been off with their heads, i.e. fire them, destroy their reputation and with it past good works of artistry (Charlie Rose comes to mind) and good deeds. Rape is a crime. It should be fully prosecuted. Obnoxious people I will instruct my daughter to avoid. If it’s a boss, if you have talent, there are other avenues.
Charlie Rose’s alleged actions are jerky, but he is still a marvelous interviewer and thinker. Franken‘s comedian act is being judged now. IF Weinstein is proven to have committed the crime of rape, he should be punished. O’Reilly’s unwanted telephone calls or masturbation were stupid, he is not a rapist from the facts. O’Reilly is guilty of some new yet to be determined crime of job for sex pressure. It’s up to the legislatures. He certainly has paid a price even if not a crime.
Peter Dwares
Opinion: January 5, 2018
- The weight obstruction of Justice. What is underlying crime? Is it Russians revealing emails, showing conspiracy against Bernie by DNC? Is it Trump promising to drop economic restrictions on Russia in return for loans to Jared to bail out real estate. Didn’t Reagan’s people arrange hostage release before term started?
- Economy good now? Market good?
- Trump got China, Russia to boycott North Korea. Who knows what will happen but let’s push. Big improvement.
- Isis Trumps military.
- I don’t like Marine or other sanctuaries ended or Arctic drilling or lack of coal miner retraining to fracking. I don’t like protection of water near fracking relaxed. I don’t want pollution, bear killing, traffic in national parks.
- I agree with reduction to dissuade US firing from moving profits abroad to low tax situs.
- I don’t want Dreamers or 11 million others (mostly deported) Mexicans, Central Americans, Asians. I want new ones regulated.
If it increases debt $150 billion a year, unless tax collections increase by $150 billion a year and not spent) that’s a problem, interest on $20 trillion. At 3% is $600 billion almost equal to million budget.