Jul 1 2010

A letter to the Board of Supervisors

June 16, 2010

Dear Board of Supervisors,

I am very much opposed to a Resolution condemning Israel’s continuing to keep itself safe from bombings such as those in Moslem countries occurring daily in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Question, where were Resolutions on Hamas bombing Israel, Hezbolah bombing Israel?  Where were Resolutions on Congo 3 million killed, Somalia killing our military boys in the streets, Sudan/Darfur  250,000 killed, Russians killing 160 journalists in two years, Mexico 26,000 dead this year, Turkish Kurdish killings, North Koreans killing 46 South Koreans, Hindus burned alive by Moslems.  Where were they?

The Turks provoked the Israelis. They knew no good would come from refusing inspection.  Just sacrificing their lives for an Israeli black eye. The Turks had options;  they wanted to make their point.  Sadly they did.

Focus on pot holes, balancing budget, bringing in job creating private industry.  That’s what we voted you in for.  Foreign policy is a Federal matter.


Peter Dwares, Esq.